Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Santa Fun Run

Christmas is coming and you may well have already received a sponsor form or seen one of our posters for our upcoming Santa Fun Run and Bazaar. We would really appreciate it if folk could  let us know if they will be joining in the fun run so we can cater for brunch. This can be done by either emailing fundraising@bolneyunderfives.co.uk or filling in our online form by clicking on this link https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&formkey=dFdKVS1ySHI0S0wzcGZ5Ty0tQjdwMmc6MQ

There will also be ceramic pottery painting, a great chance for you or your child to paint a Christmas keepsake along with a fab range of traditional Bazaar side shows.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Our Christmas puddings will be available from this Thursday. Which will you choose?

Monday, 26 November 2012


Charity Quiz Night. – A Charity Quiz night supporting local organisations will be held at the Eight Bells, Bolney on Sunday 2nd December 2012. The first round
will commence at 7.30 pm so please take your seats before that time. Entry fee is £2.00 per person with a maximum of 6 persons per team. It promises to be a
fun night and participants are invited to attend in fancy dress – with the theme of PANTOMIME. There will be a raffle.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Children In Need

This year at Bolney Under Fives for Children In Need's 2012 
Appeal the children are using their creativity to raise funds. .We will be displaying these works of art in our very own spotty gallery and there will be the opportunity to view and for parents to purchase these rare limited editions from 12.20pm on Friday 16th November. We will also be holding a bake sale.

We are sure that you are only too aware of the amazing opportunities that Children in Need gives.
Both children and  young people are given a lifeline, allowing them the chance to have a safe , happy
childhood and to reach their full potential, all values that we hold close to our hearts.



Further to the last message saying youth club had been cancelled on the 15th we are now able to hold it after all , see you there 7.30  at the Rawson. please note there are no more places left for the Brighton ice skating trip on the 6th December , thank you

Bolney Volunteers

Introducing The Bolney Volunteers

Recently set up, Bolney Volunteers is a central register of parishioners willing to help in the village when needed. The type of activity might be helping to set up or clear up at Village day, keep footpaths under control, clearing rubbish around the village, set up events, or even just to give an opinion.

So often people are willing to give a bit of time but simply do not hear when help is needed. This is your chance to connect into the grapevine and stay informed of what is going on.

Bolney Volunteers enables members to be put on the register and to receive notification when and what type of help is needed, you decide if you can.

We welcome all and would encourage you to bring the kids, where appropriate.

To register with the volunteers; send your name, e-mail address and mobile number to aiden.mcgrath@bolney.com

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Have you or do you know someone who's lost a Springer Spaniel?

A Springer Spaniel (Liver and White) has been found at Bachelors Field. If you are, or you know the owner, please do get in touch. Email info@bolney.com

Location:The Street,Bolney,United Kingdom

Friday, 2 November 2012

Water Pressure in Bolney

If you've noticed a drop in water pressure over the last few days you should now be noticing an increase.

A major leak was fixed last night on London Road.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Family Fun whilst learning too!

Photography Competition Reminder - Diamond Jubilee Walk

Just 3 days left to submit your photos for the competition! Full details below.

Sunday 28th October 2012

There are two entry classes: Adults and Children (up to 16). There will be a prize for the best adult and best child’s photo.
To give you some idea, the judges will be judging against the following criteria:

Great composition (no heads cut off!)
Excellent detail (sharp focus, lots of content)
Funniest photo (funny faces, positions)
Most colourful (be it colourful scenery or clothing etc.)
Best action shot (running, jumping, climbing etc.)
Spirit of our village and the day (let your imagination run wild!)

Photos can be of the landscape, plants, animals or people on the walk.

Rules –
Photos MUST only be taken on the day itself... any photos with snow will be disqualified!!
The deadline for entries is Sunday 4th November 2012.
Photos need to be emailed to info@bolney.com and have the following additional information:
Body; please state:
Adults or Children
Photographer’s name (and age for children’s entries)
Optionally, you may include a description of the image eg where it was taken, who’s in the photo etc.
Disclaimer – by submitting photos to the competition, you grant permission for images to be used for any promotion of Bolney including the Bolney website, parish magazine, local clubs and societies. The winners will be contacted after judging and the results published.

If you experience any problems uploading the photos, please email info@bolney.com.

All the above information is also available to view at www.bolney.com

Happy snapping and good luck!!
